Source code for lastpasslib.lastpasslib

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File:
# Copyright 2023 Costas Tyfoxylos
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
#  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
#  deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
#  rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
#  sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
#  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
#  all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

Main code for lastpasslib.

.. _Google Python Style Guide:


import datetime
from functools import partial
import logging
import re
import time
from xml.etree import ElementTree as Etree
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ParseError

import backoff
import requests
from dateutil.parser import parse
from requests import Session
import urllib

from lastpasslib.encryption import EncryptManager

from .datamodels import CompanyUser, Event, Folder
from .lastpasslibexceptions import (ApiLimitReached,
from .configuration import Configurations
from .secrets import SECURE_NOTE_TYPES, Password, SecureNote
from .vault import Vault

__author__ = '''Costas Tyfoxylos <>'''
__docformat__ = '''google'''
__date__ = '''08-02-2023'''
__copyright__ = '''Copyright 2023, Costas Tyfoxylos'''
__credits__ = ["Costas Tyfoxylos", "Yorick Hoorneman"]
__license__ = '''MIT'''
__maintainer__ = '''Costas Tyfoxylos'''
__email__ = '''<>'''
__status__ = '''Development'''  # "Prototype", "Development", "Production".

# This is the main prefix used for logging
LOGGER_BASENAME = '''lastpasslib'''
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_BASENAME)

[docs]class Lastpass: """Models the main service and exposes the vault object and helper methods to interact and retrieve data.""" def __init__(self, username, password, mfa, domain=''): self._logger = logging.getLogger(f'{LOGGER_BASENAME}.{self.__class__.__name__}') self.domain = domain = f'https://{domain}' self.show_endpoint = f"{}/show.php" self.api_endpoint = f'{}/lastpass/api.php' self.username = username self._iteration_count = None self._vault = Vault(self, password) self._authenticated_response_data = None self.session = self._get_authenticated_session(username, mfa) self._monkey_patch_session() self._shared_folders_data_ = None self._folders = None self._decrypted_vault = None def _monkey_patch_session(self): """Gets original request method and overrides it with the patched one. Returns: Response: Response instance. """ self.session.original_request = self.session.request self.session.request = self._patched_request @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, ApiLimitReached, max_time=60) def _patched_request(self, method, url, **kwargs): """Patch the original request method from requests.Sessions library. Args: method (str): HTTP verb as string. url (str): string. kwargs: keyword arguments. Raises: ApiLimitReached: Raised when the Lastpass API limit is reached. Returns: Response: Response instance. """ self._logger.debug(f'{method.upper()} request to url :{url} with kwargs: {kwargs}.') response = self.session.original_request(method, url, **kwargs) # noqa self._logger.debug(f'Response status: {response.status_code} with content: {response.content}.') if response.status_code == 429: self._logger.warning('Api is exhausted for endpoint, backing off.') raise ApiLimitReached return response @property def token(self): """The token returned to be used for api calls.""" return self._authenticated_response_data.get('token') @property def csrf_token(self): """The csrf token required for some calls.""" url = f'{}/getCSRFToken.php' response =, data='') if not response.ok: response.raise_for_status() return response.text @property def iteration_count(self): """The iteration count of the encryption for the vault.""" if self._iteration_count is None: url = f'{}/iterations.php' data = {'email': self.username} response =, data=data, timeout=10) if not response.ok: response.raise_for_status() self._iteration_count = response.json() return self._iteration_count @staticmethod def _validate_authentication_response(response): response.raise_for_status() try: parsed_response = Etree.fromstring(response.content) except ParseError: raise UnexpectedResponse(response.text) from None error = parsed_response.find('error') if error is not None: exceptions = { 'unknownemail': UnknownUsername, 'user_not_exists': UnknownUsername, 'password_invalid': InvalidPassword, 'googleauthrequired': MfaRequired, 'microsoftauthrequired': MfaRequired, 'googleauthfailed': InvalidMfa, 'microsoftauthfailed': InvalidMfa, 'yubikeyrestricted': InvalidMfa, 'unifiedloginresult': UnknownIP, 'mobilerestricted': MobileDevicesRestricted, } messages = { 'mobilerestricted': ('Mobile devices are restricted under "Advanced Settings" -> "Mobile Devices" ' 'under the lastpass vault. Please enable and allow accordingly for the tool to ' 'work.'), 'unifiedloginresult': ('You should have received an email from lastpass to allow the current IP to ' 'access the vault, follow that link, provide access and run again.') } cause = error.attrib.get('cause') exception = exceptions.get(cause, ServerError) LOGGER.error(f'Got a server error :{cause}') message = messages.get(cause, error.attrib.get('message')) raise exception(message) return parsed_response @staticmethod def _validate_action_response(response): if not response.ok: response.raise_for_status() try: parsed_response = Etree.fromstring(response.content) except ParseError: raise UnexpectedResponse(response.text) from None result = parsed_response.find('result') if result is None: message = f'Got a server error: {repr(response.text)}' LOGGER.error(message) raise MissingResult(message) return parsed_response @staticmethod def _extend_payload_for_mfa(mfa, payload): payload['otp'] = mfa conditions_for_yubikey = [len(mfa) == 44, str(mfa).isalpha(), str(mfa).islower()] if all(conditions_for_yubikey): LOGGER.debug('Identified mfa as yubikey.') payload['provider'] = 'yubikey' return payload def _get_authenticated_session(self, username, mfa=None, client_id=None): session = Session() payload = {'method': 'mobile', 'web': 1, 'xml': 1, 'username': username, 'hash': self._vault.hash, 'iterations': self.iteration_count} if mfa: payload = self._extend_payload_for_mfa(mfa, payload) if client_id: payload['imei'] = client_id headers = {'user-agent': 'lastpasslib'} response ='{}/login.php', data=payload, headers=headers, timeout=10) parsed_response = self._validate_authentication_response(response) if parsed_response.tag == 'ok': data = parsed_response.attrib session.cookies.set('PHPSESSID', data.get('sessionid'), domain=self.domain) self._authenticated_response_data = data return session
[docs] def refresh_session(self, mfa=None, client_id=None): self.session = self._get_authenticated_session(self.username, mfa, client_id)
@property def _shared_folders_data(self): """A list of the shared folders of lastpass.""" if self._shared_folders_data_ is None: url = f'{}/getSharedFolderInfo.php' data = {'lpversion': '4.0', 'method': 'web', 'token': self.token} response =, data=data) if not response.ok: response.raise_for_status() self._shared_folders_data_ = response.json().get('folders') # response.json().get('superusers') exposes a {uid: , key:} dictionary of superusers. return self._shared_folders_data_ def _get_folder_by_id(self, id_: str): """Gets a folder by id. Used to retrieve the personal folder by id. Args: id_ (str): The id to match the folder. Returns: A folder object if a match is found, else None. """ return next((folder for folder in self.folders if == id_), None) def _get_shared_folder_data_by_id(self, id_): """Gets a shared folder by id. Used to connect the shared folders with the appropriate secrets in the decryption process of the vault. Args: id_: The id to match the folder. Returns: A shared folder object if a match is found, else None """ return next((folder for folder in self._shared_folders_data if folder.get('shareid') == id_), None)
[docs] def get_login_history_by_date(self, start_date=None, end_date=None): """Get login history events by a range of dates. Args: start_date: The start date of the range. Defaults to today if not provided. end_date: The end date of the range. Defaults to today if not provided. Returns: A list of login history events by the provided date range. """ return self._get_history_by_date(start_date, end_date, 'logins')
[docs] def get_event_history_by_date(self, start_date=None, end_date=None): """Get generic history events by a range of dates. Args: start_date: The start date of the range. Defaults to today if not provided. end_date: The end date of the range. Defaults to today if not provided. Returns: A list of generic history events by the provided date range. """ return self._get_history_by_date(start_date, end_date, 'events')
[docs] def get_company_users_by_email(self, email_part): """Gets a list of company users that match a fragment of the email. Args: email_part: The fragment of the email to match to. Returns: A list of company users that match the fragment provided. """ params = {'q': email_part} url = f'{}/typeahead_remote.php' response =, params=params) if not response.ok: response.raise_for_status() return [CompanyUser(**item) for item in response.json()]
[docs] def get_company_user_by_email(self, email): """Gets a company user that exactly match a provided email. Args: email: The email to match to. Returns: A company user object if a match is found, else None. """ return next((user for user in self.get_company_users_by_email(email) if == email.lower()), None)
def _get_history_by_date(self, start_date, end_date, event_type): date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' today = start_date = parse(start_date).strftime(date_format) if start_date else today end_date = parse(end_date).strftime(date_format) if end_date else today form_data = {'start': 0, 'limit': 20000, 'sort': 'date', 'dir': 'ASC'} params = {'data': 1, 'frame': 1, 'aid': None, 'startdate': start_date, 'enddate': end_date, 'type': event_type, 'token': self.token} url = f'{}/history.php' response =, params=params, data=form_data) if not response.ok: response.raise_for_status() items = response.json().get('response', {}).get('value', {}).get('items', []) return [Event(*item.values()) for item in items] @property def decrypted_vault(self): if self._decrypted_vault is None: self._decrypted_vault = self._vault.decrypt_blob(self._vault.blob) return self._decrypted_vault @property def encrypted_username(self): """The encrypted username of the user.""" return self.decrypted_vault.encrypted_username @property def attachments(self): """The attachments of the vault.""" return self.decrypted_vault.attachments @property def never_urls(self): """The never urls of the vault.""" return self.decrypted_vault.never_urls @property def equivalent_domains(self): """The equivalent domains of the vault.""" return self.decrypted_vault.equivalent_domains @property def url_rules(self): """The url rules of the vault.""" return self.decrypted_vault.url_rules @property def uid(self): """The uid of lastpass.""" return self._authenticated_response_data.get('uid') @property def session_id(self): """The session ID.""" return self._authenticated_response_data.get('sessionid')
[docs] def get_folder_by_name(self, name): """Gets a folder by name. Args: name: The name of the folder to match. Returns: The folder it matched on if there is one match only, None if no match found. Raises: MultipleInstances: If there is more than one match with the same name. """ folders = [folder for folder in self.folders if == name] if not folders: return folders if len(folders) > 1: raise MultipleInstances(f'multiple instances of {name} found') return folders.pop()
[docs] def get_folder_by_path(self, path: str) -> Folder: r"""Gets a folder by path. Args: path (str): A string with '\\' as seperator. Returns: Folder: The first folder it matched on based on path. None if no match found. """ return next((folder for folder in self.folders if folder.path == tuple(path.split('\\'))), None)
@property def folders(self): """All the folders of the vault. Returns: A list of all the folders of the vault. """ return self.decrypted_vault.folders @property def root_folder(self): """The root folder of the lastpass vault. Holds all sub folders and secrets saved in. Returns: Folder: The root folder. """ return next((folder for folder in self.folders if == '\\'), None) @property def personal_folders(self): """Retrieves all folders of the vault that are personal and not shared. Returns: list: A list of personal folders. """ return [folder for folder in self.folders if all([folder.is_personal, len(folder.path) == 1])] @property def shared_folders(self): """Retrieves all shared folders of the vault. Returns: list: A list of shared folders. """ return [folder for folder in self.folders if all([not folder.is_personal, len(folder.path) == 1])]
[docs] def get_secrets(self, filter_=None): """Gets secrets from the vault. Args: filter_: The secret type or types to filter. Returns: list: A list of secrets matching the filter or all secrets of the vault. """ filter_ = self._validate_filter(filter_) return [secret for secret in self.decrypted_vault.secrets if secret.type in filter_]
[docs] def get_secret_by_name(self, name): """Gets a secret from the vault by name. Args: name: The name to match on, case-sensitive. Returns: The secret if a match is found, else None. Raises: MultipleInstances: If more than one password is found with the same name. """ secrets = self.get_secrets_by_name(name) if not secrets: return None if len(secrets) > 1: raise MultipleInstances(f'More than one secrets with name "{name}" exist.') return secrets.pop()
[docs] def get_secret_by_full_path(self, path, name): """Gets a secret from the vault by name. Args: path: The full path to the secret. name: The name to match on, case-sensitive. Returns: The secret if a match is found, else None. """ return next((secret for secret in self.get_secrets() if secret.full_path == path and == name), None)
[docs] def get_secret_by_id(self, id_): """Gets a secret from the vault by id. Args: id_: The id to match on. Returns: The secret if a match is found, else None. """ return next((secret for secret in self.get_secrets() if == str(id_)), None)
[docs] def get_secrets_by_name(self, name, filter_=None): """Gets secrets from the vault matching a name. Args: name: The name to match on, case-sensitive. filter_: The type of secret to filter on. Returns: list: A list of secrets if they match the name, an empty list otherwise. """ return [secret for secret in self.get_secrets(filter_) if == name]
[docs] def get_secrets_by_group(self, group_name, filter_=None): """Gets secrets from the vault for the specified group. Args: group_name: The name to match on, case-sensitive. filter_: The type of secret to filter on. Returns: list: A list of secrets if they match the group name, an empty list otherwise. """ return [secret for secret in self.get_secrets(filter_) if == group_name]
[docs] def get_secrets_by_shared_folder(self, folder_name, filter_=None): """Gets secrets from the vault for the specified shared folder. Args: folder_name: The name to match on, case-sensitive. filter_: The type of secret to filter on. Returns: list: A list of secrets of the shared folder, an empty list otherwise. """ return [secret for secret in self.get_secrets(filter_) if secret.shared_folder and secret.shared_folder.shared_name == folder_name]
[docs] def get_passwords_with_password_updated_before_date(self, date): """Gets passwords with passwords updates before the given date. Args: date: The date to match with. Parsing is applied on the date so any sane format will work. example: '22 sep 2022' or '22-09-2002' or '22/09/2022' should all work fine. To avoid ambiguity between US and EU date format a format with a named month is preferred. Returns: A list of passwords that their password field had been updated before the given date. """ date = parse(date) return [secret for secret in self.get_passwords() if secret.last_password_change_datetime < date]
[docs] def get_secure_notes_updated_before_date(self, date): """Gets secure notes with updates before the given date. Args: date: The date to match with. Parsing is applied on the date so any sane format will work. example: '22 sep 2022' or '22-09-2002' or '22/09/2022' should all work fine. To avoid ambiguity between US and EU date format a format with a named month is preferred. Returns: A list of secure notes that have been updated before the given date. """ date = parse(date) return [secret for secret in self.get_secure_notes() if secret.last_modified_datetime < date]
[docs] def get_secrets_with_attachments(self): """Gets secrets with attachments. Returns: list: A list of secrets with attachments. """ return [secret for secret in self.get_secrets() if secret.has_attachment]
[docs] def get_secrets_shared_directly(self): """Gets secrets that have been shared directly and not as part of a shared folder. Returns: list: A list of secrets that have been shared directly. """ return [secret for secret in self.get_secrets() if secret.has_been_shared]
[docs] def delete_secret_by_name(self, name): """Deletes a secret from the vault by name. Args: name: The name to match on, case-sensitive. Returns: bool: True on success, False otherwise. Raises: MultipleInstances: If more than one password is found with the same name. """ secret = self.get_secret_by_name(name) if not secret: self._logger.error(f'Secret with name "{name}" not found.') return False return secret.delete()
[docs] def delete_secret_by_id(self, id_): """Deletes a secret from the vault by id. Args: id_: The id to match on Returns: bool: True on success, False otherwise. Raises: MultipleInstances: If more than one password is found with the same name. """ secret = self.get_secret_by_id(id_) if not secret: self._logger.error(f'Secret with id "{id_}" not found.') return False'Deleting secret with id "{id_}".') return secret.delete()
[docs] def get_passwords(self): """Gets only the passwords from the vault. Returns: A list of password type secrets. """ return self.get_secrets(filter_='Password')
[docs] def get_passwords_by_name(self, name): """Gets passwords from the vault matching a name. Args: name: The name to match on, case-sensitive. filter_: The type of secret to filter on. Returns: list: A list of passwords if they match the name, an empty list otherwise. """ return [password for password in self.get_passwords() if == name]
[docs] def get_password_by_name(self, name): """Gets password from the vault matching a name. Args: name: The name to match on, case-sensitive. filter_: The type of secret to filter on. Returns: list: A list of passwords if they match the name, an empty list otherwise. """ password = self.get_passwords_by_name(name) if not password: return None if len(password) > 1: raise MultipleInstances(f'More than one password with name {name} exist.') return password.pop()
[docs] def get_password_by_id(self, id_): """Gets a password from the vault by id. Args: id_: The id to match on. Returns: The password if a match is found, else None. """ return next((password for password in self.get_passwords() if == str(id_)), None)
[docs] def get_passwords_by_group(self, group_name): """Gets passwords from the vault for the specified group. Args: group_name: The name to match on, case-sensitive. Returns: list: A list of passwords if they match the group name, an empty list otherwise. """ return self.get_secrets_by_group(group_name, filter_='Password')
[docs] def get_passwords_by_shared_folder(self, folder_name): """Gets passwords from the vault for the specified shared folder. Args: folder_name: The name to match on, case-sensitive. Returns: list: A list of passwords of the shared folder, an empty list otherwise. """ return self.get_secrets_by_shared_folder(folder_name, filter_='Password')
[docs] def get_passwords_with_attachments(self): """Gets passwords with attachments. Returns: list: A list of passwords with attachments. """ return [secret for secret in self.get_passwords() if secret.has_attachment]
[docs] def delete_password_by_name(self, name): """Deletes a password from the vault by name. Args: name: The name to match on, case-sensitive. Returns: bool: True on success, False otherwise. Raises: MultipleInstances: If more than one password is found with the same name. """ password = self.get_password_by_name(name) if not password: self._logger.error(f'Password with name "{name}" not found.') return False return password.delete()
[docs] def delete_password_by_id(self, id_): """Deletes a password from the vault by id. Args: id_: The id to match on Returns: bool: True on success, False otherwise. Raises: MultipleInstances: If more than one password is found with the same name. """ password = self.get_password_by_id(id_) if not password: self._logger.error(f'Password with id "{id_}" not found.') return False return password.delete()
[docs] def get_secure_notes(self): """Gets only secure notes for the vault. Returns: A list of secure note type secrets. """ return self.get_secrets(filter_=SECURE_NOTE_TYPES)
[docs] def get_secure_notes_by_name(self, name): """Gets secure notes from the vault matching a name. Args: name: The name to match on, case-sensitive. filter_: The type of secret to filter on. Returns: list: A list of secure notes if they match the name, an empty list otherwise. """ return [secure_note for secure_note in self.get_secure_notes() if == name]
[docs] def get_secure_note_by_name(self, name): """Gets secure note from the vault matching a name. Args: name: The name to match on, case-sensitive. Returns: list: A list of secure note if they match the name, an empty list otherwise. """ secure_note = self.get_secure_notes_by_name(name) if not secure_note: return None if len(secure_note) > 1: raise MultipleInstances(f'More than one secure note with name {name} exist.') return secure_note.pop()
[docs] def get_secure_note_by_id(self, id_): """Gets a secure note from the vault by id. Args: id_: The id to match on. Returns: The secure note if a match is found, else None. """ return next((secure_note for secure_note in self.get_secure_notes() if == str(id_)), None)
[docs] def get_secure_notes_by_group(self, group_name): """Gets secure notes from the vault for the specified group. Args: group_name: The name to match on, case-sensitive. Returns: list: A list of secure notes if they match the group name, an empty list otherwise. """ return self.get_secrets_by_group(group_name, filter_=SECURE_NOTE_TYPES)
[docs] def get_secure_notes_by_shared_folder(self, folder_name): """Gets secure notes from the vault for the specified shared folder. Args: folder_name: The name to match on, case-sensitive. Returns: list: A list of secure notes of the shared folder, an empty list otherwise. """ return self.get_secrets_by_shared_folder(folder_name, filter_=SECURE_NOTE_TYPES)
[docs] def get_secure_notes_with_attachments(self): """Gets secure notes with attachments. Returns: list: A list of secure notes with attachments. """ return [secret for secret in self.get_secure_notes() if secret.has_attachment]
[docs] def delete_secure_note_by_name(self, name): """Deletes a secure note from the vault by name. Args: name: The name to match on, case-sensitive. Returns: bool: True on success, False otherwise. Raises: MultipleInstances: If more than one secure note is found with the same name. """ secure_note = self.get_secure_note_by_name(name) if not secure_note: self._logger.error(f'Secure note with name "{name}" not found.') return False return secure_note.delete()
[docs] def delete_secure_note_by_id(self, id_): """Deletes a secure notes from the vault by id. Args: id_: The id to match on Returns: bool: True on success, False otherwise. Raises: MultipleInstances: If more than one secure note is found with the same name. """ secure_note = self.get_secure_note_by_id(id_) if not secure_note: self._logger.error(f'Secure notes with id "{id_}" not found.') return False return secure_note.delete()
[docs] def get_attachments(self): """Gets all attachments from all secrets in the vault. Returns: list: A list of attachment objects from all secrets of the vault. """ attachments = [] for secret in self.get_secrets_with_attachments(): for attachment in secret.attachments: attachments.append(attachment) return attachments
[docs] def decrypt_blob(self, blob): """Decrypts a provided blob of a vault back up and returns the decrypted blob. Args: blob: The blob to decrypt. Returns: DecryptedBlob: The decrypted blob. """ try: self._decrypted_vault = self._vault.decrypt_blob(blob) except Exception: self._logger.exception('Unable to decrypt blob') return False return True
@staticmethod def _validate_filter(filter_): all_types = SECURE_NOTE_TYPES + ['Password', 'SecureNote'] filter_ = filter_ or all_types if not isinstance(filter_, (tuple, list)): filter_ = [filter_] diff = set(filter_) - set(all_types) if diff: raise InvalidSecretType(diff) return filter_
[docs] def refresh(self): """Refreshes the vault by getting the blob again and decrypting everything. Returns: True on success, False otherwise. """ self._decrypted_vault = None return self._vault.refresh()
[docs] def save_vault_blob(self, path='.', name='vault.blob'): """Can save the downloaded blob. Args: path: The path to save the blob to, defaults to local directory. name: The name to save the blob as, defaults to "vault.blob". Returns: None. """ return, name)
[docs] def logout(self): """Logs out of the session.""" params = {'skip_prompt': 1, 'from_uri': '/'} url = f'{}/logout' response = self.session.get(url, params=params) if not response.ok: response.raise_for_status() return response.ok
def __del__(self): try: return self.logout() except Exception as exc: self._logger.debug(f'Error closing session, response: {exc}') return False def _get_grouping_by_folder_path(self, folder_path: str, folder_is_personal=False): r"""All folders after the root & shared folders are addressed by the term 'grouping'. For the path 'FolderA\FolderB' If it's a personal folder the grouping is the whole path. In the case of a shared folder 'FolderA' is stripped. Args: folder_path (str): the path to the folders folder_is_personal (bool, optional): Specifies if the base folder is a personal folder. Defaults to False. Returns: str: returns the grouping path. """ if not folder_path: return '' folder_path = folder_path if '\\\\' in repr(folder_path) \ else folder_path.encode('unicode_escape').decode('utf-8') if folder_is_personal: return folder_path return re.split(r'[\\]+', folder_path, 1)[1] def _get_base_folder_by_path(self, folder_path: str) -> Folder: """Get the first folder specified in the given path. Args: folder_path (str): the path to the folders. Returns: Folder: Folder object is folder is found, None otherwise. """ if not folder_path: return self.get_folder_by_name('\\') folder_path = folder_path.encode('unicode_escape').decode('utf-8') base_path = '' if not folder_path else re.split(r'[\\]+', folder_path)[0] folder = self.get_folder_by_path(base_path) if not folder: self._logger.error(f'No folder found for path "{base_path}"') raise UnknownFolder return folder def _create_secret(self, type_: str, name: str, remote_payload: dict): """Function used to create any kind of secret. Args: type_ (str): type of secret. name (str): name. remote_payload (dict): payload. Returns: Response: the response from the API server. """ payload_string = "&".join([f'{key}={value}' for key, value in remote_payload.items()]) headers = {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} url = self.show_endpoint response =, headers=headers, data=payload_string) result = self._validate_action_response(response)'{type_.__name__} "{name}" created.') return result
[docs] def create_password(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-arguments name: str, url: str = None, folder_path: str = None, username: str = None, password: str = None, totp: str = None, notes: str = None, pwprotect: bool = False, auto_login: bool = False, autofill: bool = False, favorite: bool = False) -> bool: """ Creates a password. Args: name (str): name url (str, optional): url. Defaults to None. folder_path (str, optional): folder path. Defaults to None. username (str, optional): username. Defaults to None. password (str, optional): password. Defaults to None. totp (str, optional): totp. Defaults to None. notes (str, optional): notes. Defaults to None. pwprotect (bool, optional): pwprotect. Defaults to False. auto_login (bool, optional): auto_login. Defaults to False. autofill (bool, optional): autofill. Defaults to False. favorite (bool, optional): favorite. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: True at success, False at failure. """ type_ = Password base_folder = self._get_base_folder_by_path(folder_path) grouping = self._get_grouping_by_folder_path(folder_path, base_folder.is_personal) encrypt_and_encode = partial(EncryptManager.encrypt_and_encode_payload, base_folder.encryption_key) remote_payload = { 'autofill': 'on' if autofill else '', 'autologin': 'on' if auto_login else '', 'encuser': urllib.parse.quote(self.encrypted_username, safe=''), 'extra': encrypt_and_encode(notes), 'fav': 'on' if favorite else '', 'grouping': encrypt_and_encode(grouping), 'n': name.encode('utf-8').hex(), 'name': encrypt_and_encode(name), 'password': encrypt_and_encode(password), 'pwprotect': 'on' if pwprotect else '', 'requesthash': urllib.parse.quote(self.encrypted_username, safe=''), 'sentms': f"{time.time_ns() // 1_000_000}", 'sharedfolderid': '' if base_folder.is_personal else, 'token': urllib.parse.quote(self.csrf_token, safe=''), 'totp': encrypt_and_encode(totp), 'url': url.encode().hex() if url else '', 'username': encrypt_and_encode(username), } remote_payload = dict(Configurations.secret_payload, **remote_payload) parsed_response = self._create_secret(type_, name, remote_payload) result = parsed_response.find('result') secret_id_ = result.attrib.get('aid') if not secret_id_: raise UnknownAccountID local_payload = { "type": type_, "encryption_key": base_folder.encryption_key, "is_favorite": favorite, "group": grouping, "group_id":, "id": secret_id_, "name": name, "mfa_seed": totp, "notes": notes, "url": url, "username": username, "password": password, "created_gmt": int(time.time()), "shared_folder_id": None if base_folder.is_personal else } return self.decrypted_vault.create_secret(type_, local_payload)
[docs] def create_secure_note(self, name: str, folder_path: str = None, notes: str = None, favorite: bool = False) -> bool: """Creates a secure note. Args: name (str): name. folder_path (str, optional): folder path. Defaults to None. notes (str, optional): notes. Defaults to None. favorite (bool, optional): favorite. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: True at success, False at failure. """ type_ = SecureNote base_folder = self._get_base_folder_by_path(folder_path) grouping = self._get_grouping_by_folder_path(folder_path, base_folder.is_personal) encrypt_and_encode = partial(EncryptManager.encrypt_and_encode_payload, base_folder.encryption_key) remote_payload = { 'encuser': urllib.parse.quote(self.encrypted_username, safe=''), 'extra': encrypt_and_encode(notes), 'fav': 'on' if favorite else '', 'grouping': encrypt_and_encode(grouping), 'hexName': name.encode('utf-8').hex(), 'n': name.encode('utf-8').hex(), 'name': encrypt_and_encode(name), 'requesthash': urllib.parse.quote(self.encrypted_username, safe=''), 'sentms': f"{time.time_ns() // 1_000_000}", 'sharedfolderid': '' if base_folder.is_personal else, 'token': urllib.parse.quote(self.csrf_token, safe=''), } remote_payload = dict(Configurations.secure_note_payload, **remote_payload) parsed_response = self._create_secret(type_, name, remote_payload) result = parsed_response.find('result') secret_id_ = result.attrib.get('aid') if not secret_id_: raise UnknownAccountID local_payload = { "type": type_, "encryption_key": base_folder.encryption_key, "is_favorite": favorite, "group": grouping, "group_id":, "id": secret_id_, "name": name, "notes": notes, "created_gmt": int(time.time()), "shared_folder_id": None if base_folder.is_personal else } return self.decrypted_vault.create_secret(type_, local_payload)
[docs] def move_secret_to_folder(self, secret_full_path: str, folder_path: str) -> bool: """Moving a secret from a folder to another folder. Args: secret_full_path (str): the path where the current secret is stored. folder_path (str): location to the folder where the secret should move to. Returns: bool: True at success, False at failure. """ source_folder_path, _, secret_name = secret_full_path.rpartition('\\') secret = self.get_secret_by_full_path(source_folder_path, secret_name) if not secret: self._logger.error(f'Could not find secret "{secret_full_path}') raise UnknownSecret return secret.move_to_folder(folder_path)